Programme Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes Catholiques

Religious Institutes and Catholic Culture

in 19th and 20th Century Europe

September 9 — 10 2005

The 3rd international workshop of the European Forum on the History of Religious Institutes in the 19th and 20th centuries (Relins-Europe), which was founded in 2001, will take place at the University of Fribourg from September 9 to September 11 2005. The workshop will focus on the cultural production by religious institutes, men and women religious, and their role in the constitution of catholic communicative communities in different European countries. It follows an approach of social and cultural history both in a comparative perspective on discourses and cultural and social practices as well as in a perspective on national and international networks and cultural transfer. What were the functions of religious institutes in general and of men and women religious in particular as cultural elites in the production and mediation of knowledge, ideologies, cultural codes, rites and practices ? How did they incorporate central functions in catholic (sub)societies with regard to Weltanschauung and religious practices as well as with regard to catholic mass mobilisation and institutionalisation ? How did they contribute to the construction and propagation of social Catholicism ?

Organisation :
Prof. Dr. Jan de Maeyer (Leuven)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schmiedl (Vallendar)
lic. phil. Franziska Metzger (Fribourg)

With participants from Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and other European countries

Dernière modification de cette page : 17.03.2014